Whenever a semester begins, students both ongoing plus newly joining find themselves with a dilemma of whether to look for university or college managed hostels or to go out for privately run hostels. This is a question which will remain for as long as the university or higher level learning exists, by the way, it will always exist.
From experience, some institutions are better prepared than others so generally the points going to be addressed in this article may be available better in some places than others. It’s true that privately owned hostels are generally managed better than a college or university owned hostels.
To help you make a decision, you need to think through these points;
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a) Availability
Are the hostels available or not? If the university does not have enough hostels, then it’s needless to think twice whether you are going for university hostels or privately owned. Again, if the university you are joining has invested in enough hostels or do not allow its students to be hosted in privately owned hostels, then the story ends there though that it highly unlikely.
Most institutions of higher learning continue to invest in hostel accommodation but in many cases, they don’t meet the demand by the student positions hence the need to seek alternative accommodation. Many Universities in Kenya like University of Nairobi, Jomo Kenyatta University, Moi University and others have their own hostels and but those hostels still fail to meet the demand by students.
b) Costs
Generally, privately managed hostels are viewed to be expensive though it’s always not true because of what they offer. Privately managed hostels offer so many services which you will never get in hostels managed by universities.
c) Services
Privately managed hostels provide among other things 24/7 security, free breakfast and supper, free WIFI, access to TV, laundry services, waste collection, 24/7 customer support, secure environment away from possible university unrest and many more things.

The hostels are regularly checked, repaired and painted. Whenever there is a problem, the solution takes a shorter time to arrive.
d) Security
The University compound may be safer for outsiders to come in but not safe from students’ thieves. Privately owned and managed hostels normally hostels a few students and so whenever something gets lost, it’s easy to get a suspect among the students. So it’s much safe for even students themselves from possible campus stealing.
e) Distance
Kisumu Hostels or just hotels should not be located very far from the college but if that happens, there should be ready for public transport. If you have secured accommodation outside the school, so long as there is a means of good public transport, you are ready to go. Public transport is cheaper and reliable.
f) Opportunities
What opportunities do you have when you stay in college hostels of privately owned hostels? This depends on your level of creativity. Remember, every situation has inherent opportunities which await someone like you.
When you want to join a college or university, it’s not just the hostels that you need to think about. There are other things to think about when looking for hostels.
Student hostels in Kisumu: What other things to think about?
You should think of friends. You can talk to a friend so that you secure hostel accommodation in the same place. That will help you settle really quickly. If you have a former schoolmate joining the same college or university, for a start you can move to the same hostels and later once you have linked up with other like-minded students, then you can adjust on your own.

You should be careful whom you are going to have as friends. Some are fake friends or have bad company. This is why you should think of your friends and where people convince them to move in the same hostels as you.
A hostel facility should not be too far from a health Centre or clinic. Any health problem may need you to visit a hospital or rush your hostel mate to the hospital. You should stay in a hostel not too far from a hospital or public transport system.
You should also enjoy your carry everything that you for your safety. For example, if you are a person with an asthmatic case, you should consider having an inhaler or any other drugs needed to suppress any sudden attack. Visit your doctor and be advised on what you should have with you.
Clothes to carry
Kisumu Hostels or just hostels accommodation gives your laundry space to wash your clothes so you should not hinder yourself from carrying a lot of clothes. You should also be ready to safeguard them by ensuring they are properly kept. If you have several clothes, you may only wash a few times a month.
Never fight with fellow students
Never be ready to fight other students. Students come from different backgrounds and are also cultured differently. Some are never mannered while others would just want to create trouble for others. Fighting is a violation of accommodation rules in many hostels if not all and so you can end up being thrown out of your accommodation because of a silly fight. Learn to walk away from arguments. Be ready to appear weak in order not to land into trouble.
Stealing goods or items so common
Whether university hostels or private hostels, be ready to lock your things up in a bag or locker. Students are fond of stealing from one another and it can mess you up if you are not careful. Some say buy cheap things but for me, advice to give you is lock up all your things as much as possible. At night ensure you lock your room from inside and in the day, ensure your stuff are locked up in your bag.
One extra Mobile Phone
You can have one extra mobile phone which should be used in case of emergency. It should be kept safely someone probably in your bag or locker and only use it in case you have an emergency and you don’t have access to your regular phone. For example, in the case of robbery and your phone has been stolen, the extra phone can be used to call the police the moment the attackers have left or something.
Online and data security
If you are in habit of sharing phone or laptop, always lock your laptop account for data safety and allow others to use a guest account. For phone, lock it or use some sought of a password to enhance security.

No alcohol in hostels
No hostels management will allow alcohol to be brought into the hostel environment. If you spot someone with alcohol, you should alert the management. If you happen to be using alcohol, go and drink outside the hostel and don’t be a source of trouble to other uses otherwise you may end up being thrown out of the accommodation.
As I draw this article to a conclusion, I want to give you an opportunity to book a hostel in Kisumu or Kakamega for yourself or child. We have standard hostels for accommodation for student only. They are located in Mamboleo Market in Kisumu and Kakamega. We offer more than an ordinary hostel offers. Student hostels in Kisumu for you or your friend. Contact us today by visiting hostels in Kisumu for details.
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