Kisumu is a cosmopolitan city. It has a larger population of people from all other countries and cultures and from different languages as well settling in there. It is a very big city even in terms of business. There are lots of businesses that are taking place in this town. From food to readymade clothes and secondhand (also known as mitumba) to sale of properties, which include houses, hotels and restaurants, etc.

Among other assets in Kisumu city is land. Land in Kisumu is one of the things that are really developing Kisumu city amongst other sectors such as Fishing, Transport, Tourism, and Agriculture. These are the sectors that have entirely led to the growth of Kisumu City.
Now, there is always a notion in people that whenever land is mentioned, the only thing that comes in the minds of people is just how expensive the prices are. This is however not the case in Kisumu. Lands in Kisumu go at very reasonable price. There is always room for negotiations. An example is a piece of land that was recently sold at a place in Maseno, Kisumu. A spacious piece of land that has everything going for it went for Ksh 850,000. Maseno, mark you, is a place you cannot compare with any other rural place. It is a place that if for example, Kisumu was a city elsewhere, the land would have gone at a very hefty price.
The reason why these pieces of lands go at that pocket friendly price is because they are plenty. This has actually been the reason why processes of acquiring land in Kisumu are even easy. There are some places where for one to eventually acquire a piece of land, they have to follow some very long and complicated processes.
Prices of land in Kisumu have impressed not only the locals but even the international investors. As a result of this, investors have come from far and wide so as to do investment in this city. The investments have opened job opportunities for the locals, who have since developed economically. Apart from this, this also improves the Tourism sector and the city in its entirety.
Land in Kisumu has also in a way led to the improvement and expansion of infrastructure in this city. Because investors come for the purposes of investments, the roads ought to be in very good conditions. And for that reason, roads have been built as others have been renovated and this has made transport sector thrive a big deal.
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